Order of

The Order of LaShe's was founded in 1989 and held its first ball in 1990. The theme of that ball was "Angels Ready to Party," and it was held at the Elks Club on Dauphin Island Parkway. Our ball is now held annually at the Mobile Civic Center.
The members of the LaShe's chose as their emblem a Broadway Show Girl in top hat and tails. Revelers can still see that figure depicted at the front of the group's emblem float and the Queen bestows the honor of "Emblem" on a worthy member who kicks to the theme song NEW YORK NEW YORK resplendent in gold tails at the ball.
The LaShe's first paraded in 1992 on the Tuesday one week before Fat Tuesday. In 2008, the LaShe's parade made headlines when the front portion of one of the floats caught fire. The fire was put out, much of the covering on the front of the float was pulled off, and the lucky ladies resumed the parade. The LaShe's now showcase 5 NY permanent floats and 10 themed floats in their annual parade.
Our next parade will be 2/25/25 and we hope to see you there!